Saturday, July 12, 2008

Late night.

Just back from the movies. Once again reminded what the lack of companionship can do to one. How come it always seems so easy for everyone else?

Monday, May 26, 2008


Been a long month. Finally found a place to stay. A bit expensive though. Still catching up at work. Still lonely.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just chillin'

Coming to the end of the week finally. Its been hectic. I think I'll manage.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A whirlwind!!

Second day at work. WOW!!! That's a bunch of really bright guys in there. I'm a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility but I guess I will have to step it up!! Just need to get my mind into the right framework.
Thinking about the weekend already....
I need to be a bit careful with my finances for the next month. Payday is at the end of May. Its only the end of April!!!

And so I'll be...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

For the love of...

a good woman.

Just watched Antwone Fisher today. That was a tortured life. But there was that moment when the family is all there and a meal is set before him, and there is his girl. There is nothing like the love of your girl. That's for sure.

Been disciplined so far. Managed to cook 2 days in a row. Tomorrow, its the pork chops. Got to get those out of town before my peeps show up this weekend though...

Until next time, I shall be...

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I was such an idiot. I didn't realize how lonely she must have felt out there. I was supposed to be the one she could turn to when she was scared. I thought it was the distance that did it. It wasn't. It was the loneliness. One day and now I know how she felt. I don't how I can ever say sorry enough. I just hope she is happy now.

Found the supermarket(s). Walked downtown; wasn't too far. Good exercise. Tomorrow, the lakeside. Maybe tour a few apartments.

Until next time, I am...

Day 2...

Wonder what happened to Day 1? This blog got flagged as a potential spam blog!!! Couldn't post.
Got into Seattle yesterday about 11 am, quite tired. Got my key (3:45 pm), found the apartment building and sat in the living room for about 20 mins, wondering what in the world I'd just done.
Time to soldier on...
This morning, need to find my way around. First things first; supermarket.